Monday 10 February 2014

One in Three Drivers Turned Off at the Wheel

By Bill McLauchlan

The other day, mired in rush-hour commuter traffic, it occurred to me how many of the drivers around me didn’t look too happy. Well, I’m not discounting the daily grind of a 9 to 5 desk job might have had something to do with their glum expressions but there had to be more to it than that.

Sure enough, after a little digging, I came across a startling revelation. A third of drivers simply don’t enjoy driving any more. That’s the word from a recent poll conducted by the Institute of Advanced Motorists in Britain. While the results reflect those of UK motorists, I can’t imagine too different an outcome if a similar study were conducted on this side of the pond.

The main reason given in the IAM survey for not enjoying driving on the roads was the cost of fuel (51 percent) closely followed by congestion (41 percent), no longer excited by driving (28 percent) and less leisure time (26 percent).

Photo: PRNEWSWIRE/Newscom

It also seems that half the respondents don’t always feel relaxed when their partner is in the passenger seat. Blame other road users for that. Over 60 percent of those surveyed said it’s the behaviour of other drivers that makes them feel most nervous. This was followed by bad weather conditions and driving near big 18-wheelers.

With road congestion and high fuel prices it’s easy to understand why many people think driving is a chore. But if you have the right skills and confidence in your ability driving can be as enjoyable as ever.

Once that damn traffic ahead starts moving again!

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